The holiday season is something that everyone looks forward to but it can be a time of year that comes with a lot of additional stress. There are many social engagements to plan for, big meals to prepare, and visitors to welcome into your home. Pets can be affected by the busyness of the holidays in surprising ways. Dog sitting is one way of helping your pet cope with the chaos of the holidays. Here are a few tips that you can use to help your dog cope with the changing routine associated with the holiday season.
Stick to a Schedule
Animals, like people, tend to do best on a schedule. Dogs, in particular, can be creatures of habit and appreciate being fed, taking walks, and playing at the same time every day. Though the daily schedule of a family may get shifted around in November, December, and January, try to keep your dog’s schedule as normal as possible. Dogs do not always cope with a changed schedule in ways that people find convenient. Watch for these signs of stress:
- Anxious vocalizing
- Nervous barking
- Attention seeking
- Hiding
- Chewing and other forms of destruction
Minimize Disruptions at Home
Some dogs love welcoming new people into their space; others do not. Holding parties elsewhere can preserve the safe feeling your dog has at home. While some disruptions are to be expected, minimizing these through good planning will make home a comfortable and relaxed place for everyone.
Scheduling an afternoon to board your dog is another a way to minimize the stress your pet feels during holiday socializing. Think ahead. Taking your dog to visit the place where there will be kept is a great way to prepare him or her. Getting used to dog sitting in Portland OR by spending a couple of hours, then increasing that to a half-day, and eventually to a full day will help your pup become familiar with space. When you come to pick up your dog, you will find them relaxed, happy, and ready for their next adventure.
Remember Pet Stress
Many dogs can take a change of routine in stride and do not experience a higher degree of stress around the holidays. Some dogs are more sensitive to changes. A dog sitter can make the holiday season happier and more stress-free for everyone.